

We supply a range of quality Sprayfo calf milk replacers, lamb and kid milk replacers, colostrum powder and other proven products for rearing strong and healthy animals.

We also offer biosecurity aids, feed additives and feed safety products. And, we partner with you to optimise animal performance with the best practical and technical advice.

First, we are about LifeStart.

Aligned with our global partners Trouw Nutrition, we recognise that the start in life is what determines lifetime production. It is called the LifeStart principle.

What you invest in rearing your animals will influence the performance of that animal in the long term. So, good nutrition and care in the first few weeks of an animal’s life influences later health, productivity, and sustainability.

What a young animal needs for a good start

  • Good quality colostrum

  • A good feeding plan with a quality milk replacer and good hygiene practice

  • A healthy housing environment

The result

  • Optimum growth and health

  • Sustainable farm management

  • Maximum yield

Calf colostrum

The importance of colostrum.

Providing high quality colostrum as soon as possible after birth maximises the health of a newborn.

It is critical for nourishment and passive transfer of immunity, which is key to survival. The immunoglobulin content of colostrum is the most important component for protecting an animal against disease.

Choose a quality milk replacer

Feed your animals better milk.

Sprayfo milk replacers are scientific formulations made from by-products of the milk industry to produce high quality milk replacers, providing you with cost-effective, hygienic, and consistently good quality products.

Sprayfo milk replacers dissolve exceptionally well, are easy to digest and have proven to reduce cases of nutritional scours in calves, also reducing abomasal bloat cases in lambs and goat kids.

We do not advocate one milk replacer for all animal types. Sprayfo milk replacers are specifically designed for the needs of each animal type.

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