What’s the cost of feeding Calf Milk Replacer (CMR) vs whole milk?

And, what are the benefits of rearing with a calf milk replacer?
For many dairy farmers, it makes sense to feed calves on whole milk. And why not? It’s freely available and produced in house. However, with an increased payout forecast, feeding calves whole milk could be costing you more than you realise.
Feeding a quality whey calf milk replacer is not only cheaper, it could be entirely more cost-effective in the short and long term.
Here’s why:
Download the CMR Calculator
Note: All calculations exclude GST
Feeding CMR will cost you less.
Feeding 100 calves on Vat Milk once-a-day over a 6-week period requires the equivalent of 2,175kgMS, worth $17,400.
Feeding 100 calves Sprayfo Blue CMR costs $13,907*.That’s a saving of $3,494* at the end of six weeks.
Early rumen development is essential for profitable animal rearing.
Rearing calves on a premium calf milk replacer like Sprayfo Premium Blue effectively boosts growth rates and rumen development.
Because whey is digested quickly, the calves are hungrier quicker and seek concentrates, which aids in rumen development and helps to boost weight gain. A bigger calf at weaning has several benefits for lifetime production.
So, rearing with a quality whey calf milk replacer makes good sense.
* These calculations are based on Sprayfo Blue Premium being sold at the RRP of $89/bag (tonne rate) and a milk price of $8/kgMS. Sprayfo price valid to 31 December 2024.